Following are the guidelines for prophylaxis in hospitals for COVID-19.

Hand hygiene

Hand Hygiene

HCP should ensure their hand hygiene before and after contact with a patient, after contact with potentially infected material, and before and after using PPE. HCP should wash their hands for at least 20 s using soap and water or should disinfect their hands with 60–95% alcohol-based hand disinfectant. Ineffectiveness of PPE may contribute to nosocomial transmission of COVID-19 . HCP should be educated on when to use which PPE, how to put on, take of, and change them by themselves to prevent contamination and on how to properly discard and disinfect this equipment


All HCP in all health institutions should wear a medical mask. All staff working in the emergency department, the outpatient department of respiratory care, the outpatient department of infectious diseases, department . mask should be placed on your face carefully, and there should be no gap between the face and the mask of stomatology, or endoscopic examination room should wear a medical protective mask such as an N95 mask

Eye protection

Eye Protection

HCP should wear eye protection or a disposable face shield that covers the front and sides of the face when going into a patient’s room. Personal eye glasses or contact lenses do not protect the eye sufficiently from the transmission. the eye protection should be taken of before leaving the patient room or care areas.


When entering the patient rooms or care areas HCP should wear clean unsterile gloves. If the gloves are ruptured or contaminated hand hygiene should be ensured, and gloves should be changed with new ones. When leaving the patient rooms or care areas the gloves should be removed and hand hygiene should be ensured . Gloves should not be washed and reused .

Disposable aprons and gowns

Disposable aprons and gowns

Before entering the patients’ rooms or care areas HCP should wear a clean isolation gown and should change it when it gets contaminated. Before leaving these areas, HCP should remove the gown and should dispose it accordingly. Reusable gowns should be washed after each use.

Precautions for aerosol generating procedures

During AGPs, HCP should use long-sleeved disposable fluid repellent gown (covering the arms and body), higher protection masks such as N95/FFP3 mask, full-face shield or visor and gloves on suspected and confirmed cases After AGPs the surrounding can get heavily contaminated. In an enclosed area the time for the aerosol to be cleaned depends on the presence of mechanic/natural ventilation.

Precautions for aerosol generating procedures
Recommendations for environmental cleaning

Recommendations for environmental cleaning

All surfaces including standard floor, walls, and objects in COVID-19 isolation areas should be disinfected with solutions that have 1000 mg/L chlorine. Disinfection should be performed 3 times a day and should be repeated each time there is contamination .HCP that is responsible for the cleaning of the environment and disposal should wear appropriate PPE

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